Saturday, May 22, 2021

Belajar Laravel di Karawang

Bagi anda yang kesulitan mencari tempat belajar Framework PHP LARAVEL, anda bisa coba untuk belajar secara "privat" di Digital Karawang. Digital Karawang merupakan sebuah studio kreatif yang melayani pembuatan website dan aplikasi berbasiskan web, studio ini juga memberikan layakan les privat untuk pemrograman berbasiskan web terutama untuk bahasa pemrograman PHP.

Disini anda bisa memilih untuk belajar membuat program dengan menggunakan PHP native atau menggunakan framework seperti Codeigniter atau Laravel.

Logo Laravel

Kelas Privat Laravel akan memberikan materi dengan menggunakan versi laravel terbaru (saat artikel ini dibuat adalah versi 8.x) dengan konten pembelajaran:

  1. Mengenal Laravel
  2. Routing
  3. View
  4. Controller
  5. Authentication
  6. CRUD
  7. Middleware
  8. Upload File
  9. Export PDF
  10. dan tips serta trick lainnya
Bagi anda yang merasa kesulitan belajar laravel meskipun sudah memeiliki banyak materi pembelajaran seperti buku, video tutorial dan lain-lain ada baiknya mencoba belajar disini. Dengan belajar langsung dan mengikuti instruksi yang diberikan dan juga berdiskusi terhadap materi pembelajaran maka diharapkan anda akan mampu lebih cepat menguasai framework Laravel.

Idealnya bagi anda yang ingin belajar framework Laravel sudah menguasai dasar pemrograman PHP dan minimal tahu tentang konsep OOP (Object Oriented Programming).

Kelas privat belajar framework PHP ini cocok bagi anda yang ingin belajar Laravel dari dasar sehingga nantinya diahrapkan benar-benar paham seluk-beluk framework Laravel.

Silahkan hubungi Digital Karawang di email dan atau pesan WA di 085 770 889 827.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Property valuation/Appraisal

Property valuation estimates the economic benefits of goods valued at a certain time measure with a certain definition of value. Value, in this case, can be in the form of "currency" and can also be in the form of "exchange rate".

The purpose of property valuation/appraisal: Appraisal for sale purposes, appraisal for purchase purposes, appraisal for lease purposes, appraisal for collateral purposes to obtain a loan, appraisal for insurance purposes, appraisal for merger purposes, appraisal for purposes of going public, appraisal for other purposes. relating to government policies and laws

In property appraisal, an appraiser must be objective, honest, and impartial. The appraiser must be accountable for the value decisions that have been made in writing and are not only temporary in nature.

property valuation
image from pixabay

Property Appraisal is needed. To find out the value of a building and the remaining life of the property, it can even come up with recommendations in the form of alternatives to aid the property owner's discretion in directing the concepts appropriately.

So it can also be stated that value is the power/exchange power of an item against other goods that can be realized in currency units. The term "value" usually cannot stand alone in its development but coalesce in more specific terms, such as Market Value, Use Value, Value in Exchange, etc. Meanwhile, in the field of property valuation, the term often used is Market Value.

In making a property valuation conclusion, an appraiser must be objective, honest, and impartial. The appraiser must be accountable for the value decisions that have been made in writing and are not only temporary in nature. In the final report, the assessor must include all supporting data, the factors that influence it, and the rationalization of decision-making.

Hopefully, this article can help you in understanding property valuation.